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Analysis of the Sporadic-E Layer Behavior in Different American Stations during the Days around the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm


Resende Chagas,  Laysa Cristina
External Organizations;

Zhu,  Yajun
External Organizations;


Arras,  Christina
1.1 Space Geodetic Techniques, 1.0 Geodesy, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Denardini,  Clezio M.
External Organizations;

Chen,  Sony S.
External Organizations;

Moro,  Juliano
External Organizations;

Barros,  Diego
External Organizations;

Chagas,  Ronan A. J.
External Organizations;

Da Silva,  Lígia A.
External Organizations;

Andrioli,  Vânia F.
External Organizations;

Marchezi,  José P.
External Organizations;

Carrasco,  Alexander J.
External Organizations;

Wang,  Chi
External Organizations;

Li,  Hui
External Organizations;

Liu,  Zhengkuan
External Organizations;

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Resende Chagas, L. C., Zhu, Y., Arras, C., Denardini, C. M., Chen, S. S., Moro, J., Barros, D., Chagas, R. A. J., Da Silva, L. A., Andrioli, V. F., Marchezi, J. P., Carrasco, A. J., Wang, C., Li, H., Liu, Z. (2022): Analysis of the Sporadic-E Layer Behavior in Different American Stations during the Days around the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm. - Atmosphere, 13, 10, 1714.

The development of sporadic-E (Es) layers over five Digisonde stations in the American sector is analyzed. This work aims to investigate the dynamic of such layers during the days around the geomagnetic storm that occurred on 8 September 2017. Therefore, a numerical model (MIRE) and Radio Occultation (RO) technique are used to analyze the E layer dynamics. The results show a downward movement in low-middle latitudes due to the wind components that had no significant changes before, during, and after the geomagnetic storm. In fact, our data and simulations showed weak Es layers over Boulder, Cachoeira Paulista, and Santa Maria, even though the winds were not low. However, the RO data show the terdiurnal and quarterdiurnal influence in the Es layer formation, which can explain this behavior. In addition, we observed an atypical Es layer type, slant Es layer (Ess), during the main phase of the magnetic storm over Boulder. The possible cause of the Ess layers was gravity waves. Another interesting point is the spreading Es layer occurrence associated with the Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability (KHI). Finally, it is confirmed that the disturbed electric field only influenced the Es layer dynamics in regions near the magnetic equator.