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Hydrolysis rate constants of ATP up to 120°C and 1.6 GPa: Implications for life at extreme conditions


Moeller,  Christoph
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Schmidt,  C.
3.6 Chemistry and Physics of Earth Materials, 3.0 Geochemistry, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Testemale,  Denis
External Organizations;

Guyot,  François
External Organizations;

Kokh,  Maria
External Organizations;

Wilke,  Max
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Moeller, C., Schmidt, C., Testemale, D., Guyot, F., Kokh, M., Wilke, M. (2024 online): Hydrolysis rate constants of ATP up to 120°C and 1.6 GPa: Implications for life at extreme conditions. - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

Extreme environments are habitats for a diverse array of microorganisms, namely extremophiles, that have evolved unique biochemical adaptations to their geological setting. Some examples of extremophiles can be found in the subseafloor or near hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor. Cultivated strains of extremophiles have demonstrated the ability to tolerate temperatures (T) up to 122°C and pressures (P) up to 125 MPa. Organisms depend on the stability of key metabolites, such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), to survive and reproduce under these conditions. In order to maintain their intracellular ATP levels, living cells must compensate for the abiotic hydrolysis of ATP, which occurs at a particularly rapid rate at high temperatures. The role of high pressures and high temperatures in abiotic hydrolysis of ATP has been rarely investigated despite the potential for this phenomenon to contribute to limit the adaptation of microorganisms to simultaneous extreme temperatures and pressures. This study presents new data on the effect of pressure on the abiotic hydrolysis of ATP to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) at elevated temperatures. In situ Raman spectra were measured at high pressure and high temperature of the hydrolysis of aqueous disodium ATP solutions in two experimental systems: a hydrothermal diamond anvil cell (HDAC) and a gas-pressurized autoclave. These two systems permitted the determination of hydrolysis rate constants of ATP into ADP up to 1670 MPa at 80°C, 100°C, and 120°C. The data exhibited Arrhenian behavior with a slight decrease in activation energy from 0.5 MPa to 140 MPa. The effect of pressure on ATP hydrolysis rate constants was found to be vanishingly low in the so far known vital range up to 125 MPa. Abiotic hydrolysis rates of ATP showed a pronounced increase at higher pressures. For example, at 100°C, a rise in pressure from 365 MPa to approximately 1670 MPa results in a nearly tenfold increase in the ATP hydrolysis rate constant. When compared with the typical ATP turnover times reported in living cells, the abiotic ATP hydrolysis rates determined in this study provide insights into the pressure and temperature conditions that could be consistent with living microorganisms.