Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Seismic‐electromagnetic signals from two monitoring stations in Southern Italy: Electromagnetic time series release


Ventola,  Ivana
External Organizations;

Balasco,  Marianna
External Organizations;

De Girolamo,  Michele
External Organizations;

Falco,  Luigi
External Organizations;

Filippucci,  Marilena
External Organizations;


Hillmann,  Laura
2.4 Seismology, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Romano,  Gerardo
External Organizations;

Serlenga,  Vincenzo
External Organizations;

Stabile,  Tony Alfredo
External Organizations;


Strollo,  Angelo
2.4 Seismology, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Tallarico,  Andrea
External Organizations;

Tripaldi,  Simona
External Organizations;


Zieke,  Thomas
2.4 Seismology, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Siniscalchi,  Agata
External Organizations;

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Ventola, I., Balasco, M., De Girolamo, M., Falco, L., Filippucci, M., Hillmann, L., Romano, G., Serlenga, V., Stabile, T. A., Strollo, A., Tallarico, A., Tripaldi, S., Zieke, T., Siniscalchi, A. (2024 online): Seismic‐electromagnetic signals from two monitoring stations in Southern Italy: Electromagnetic time series release. - Geoscience Data Journal.

The seismic-electromagnetic phenomenon entails the generation of transient electromagnetic signals, which can be observed both simultaneously (co-seismic) and preceding (pre-seismic) a seismic wave arrival. Following the most accredited hypothesis, these signals are mainly due to electrokinetic effects, generated on microscopic scale in porous media containing electrolytic fluids. Thus, the seismic-electromagnetic signals are expected to be suitable for the detection and tracking of crustal fluids. Despite the growing interest in this phenomenon, there is a lack of freely available observational database of earthquake-related electromagnetic signals recorded at co-located seismic and magnetotelluric stations. To fill this gap, we set up two multicomponent monitoring stations in two seismically active areas of Southern Italy: the Gargano Promontory and the High Agri Valley. This work is both aimed to systematically analyse earthquake-generated seismic-electromagnetic recordings and to make the collected database accessible to the scientific community.