Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





CO2-Trap - Development Page 2/5 - Publications of Thomas Kempka and Evaluation of Innovative Strategies for Mineral and Physical Trapping of CO2 in Geological Formations and of Long-Term Cap Rock Integrity. Investigation, Utilization and Protection of the


Kühn,  Michael
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Asmus,  S.
External Organizations;

Azzam,  R.
External Organizations;

Back,  M.
External Organizations;

Busch,  A.
External Organizations;

Class,  H.
External Organizations;

Clauser,  C.
External Organizations;

Dengel,  A.
External Organizations;

Dose,  T.
External Organizations;

Ewers,  J.
External Organizations;

Fernandez-Steeger,  T. M.
External Organizations;

Helmig,  R.
External Organizations;

Jaeger,  K.
External Organizations;


Kempka,  Thomas
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Krooss,  B. M.
External Organizations;

Littke,  R.
External Organizations;

Peiffer,  S.
External Organizations;

Schlüter,  R.
External Organizations;

Stanjek,  H.
External Organizations;

Strobel,  J.
External Organizations;

Vosbeck,  K.
External Organizations;

Waschbüsch,  M.
External Organizations;

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Volltexte (frei zugänglich)
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Kühn, M., Asmus, S., Azzam, R., Back, M., Busch, A., Class, H., Clauser, C., Dengel, A., Dose, T., Ewers, J., Fernandez-Steeger, T. M., Helmig, R., Jaeger, K., Kempka, T., Krooss, B. M., Littke, R., Peiffer, S., Schlüter, R., Stanjek, H., Strobel, J., Vosbeck, K., Waschbüsch, M. (2005): CO2-Trap - Development Page 2/5 - Publications of Thomas Kempka and Evaluation of Innovative Strategies for Mineral and Physical Trapping of CO2 in Geological Formations and of Long-Term Cap Rock Integrity. Investigation, Utilization and Protection of the. - In: Investigation, utilization and protection of the underground: CO2-storage in geological formations, technologies for an underground survey in urban areas; Kick-Off-Meeting [at BGR- Hannover] 22-23 September 2005; programme & abstracts, (Geotechnologien science report; 6), Koordinierungsbüro Geotechnologien, 42-59.
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