Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Electronic structure of Pr1-xCaxMnO3


Sotoudeh,  M.
External Organizations;

Rajpurohit,  S.
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Blochl,  P.
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Mierwaldt,  D.
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Norpoth,  J.
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Roddatis,  Vladimir
0 Pre-GFZ, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Mildner,  S.
External Organizations;

Kressdorf,  B.
External Organizations;

Ifland,  B.
External Organizations;

Jooss,  C.
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Sotoudeh, M., Rajpurohit, S., Blochl, P., Mierwaldt, D., Norpoth, J., Roddatis, V., Mildner, S., Kressdorf, B., Ifland, B., Jooss, C. (2017): Electronic structure of Pr1-xCaxMnO3. - Physical Review B, 95, 235150.

The electronic structure of Pr1-xCaxMnO3 has been investigated using a combination of first-principles calculations, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), electron-energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), and optical absorption. The full range of compositions, x = 0,1/2,1, and a variety of magnetic orders have been covered. Jahn-Teller as well as Zener polaron orders are considered. The free parameters of the local hybrid density functionals used in this study have been determined by comparison with measured XPS spectra. A model Hamiltonian, valid for the entire doping range, has been extracted. A simple local-orbital picture of the electronic structure for the interpretation of experimental spectra is provided. The comparison of theoretical calculations and different experimental spectra provide a detailed and consistent picture of the electronic structure. The large variations of measured optical absorption spectra are traced back to the coexistence of magnetic orders (respectively, to the occupation of local orbitals). A consistent treatment of the Coulomb interaction indicates a partial cancellation of Coulomb parameters and supports the dominance of the electron-phonon coupling.