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Journal Article

Recent Advances and Challenges of Waveform‐Based Seismic Location Methods at Multiple Scales


Li,  Lei
External Organizations;

Tan,  Jingqiang
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Schwarz,  B.
2.7 Near-surface Geophysics, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Staněk,  František
External Organizations;

Poiata,  Natalia
External Organizations;

Shi,  Peidong
External Organizations;

Diekmann,  Leon
External Organizations;

Eisner,  Leo
External Organizations;

Gajewski,  Dirk
External Organizations;

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Li, L., Tan, J., Schwarz, B., Staněk, F., Poiata, N., Shi, P., Diekmann, L., Eisner, L., Gajewski, D. (2020): Recent Advances and Challenges of Waveform‐Based Seismic Location Methods at Multiple Scales. - Reviews of Geophysics, 58, 1, e2019RG000667.

Cite as: https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_5000328
Source locations provide fundamental information on earthquakes and lay the foundation for seismic monitoring at all scales. Seismic source location as a classical inverse problem has experienced significant methodological progress during the past century. Unlike the conventional traveltime‐based location methods that mainly utilize kinematic information, a new category of waveform‐based methods, including partial waveform stacking, time reverse imaging, wavefront tomography, and full waveform inversion, adapted from migration or stacking techniques in exploration seismology has emerged. Waveform‐based methods have shown promising results in characterizing weak seismic events at multiple scales, especially for abundant microearthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing in unconventional and geothermal reservoirs or foreshock and aftershock activity potentially preceding tectonic earthquakes. This review presents a comprehensive summary of the current status of waveform‐based location methods, through elaboration of the methodological principles, categorization, and connections, as well as illustration of the applications to natural and induced/triggered seismicity, ranging from laboratory acoustic emission to field hydraulic fracturing‐induced seismicity, regional tectonic, and volcanic earthquakes. Taking into account recent developments in instrumentation and the increasing availability of more powerful computational resources, we highlight recent accomplishments and prevailing challenges of different waveform‐based location methods and what they promise to offer in the near future.