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Linking Mineralogy to Lithogeochemistry in the Highland Valley Copper District: Implications for Porphyry Copper Footprints


Byrne,  Kevin
3.1 Inorganic and Isotope Geochemistry, 3.0 Geochemistry, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Lesage,  Guillaume
External Organizations;


Gleeson,  S. A.
3.1 Inorganic and Isotope Geochemistry, 3.0 Geochemistry, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Piercey,  Stephen J.
External Organizations;

Lypaczewski,  Philip
External Organizations;

Kyser,  Kurt
External Organizations;

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Byrne, K., Lesage, G., Gleeson, S. A., Piercey, S. J., Lypaczewski, P., Kyser, K. (2020): Linking Mineralogy to Lithogeochemistry in the Highland Valley Copper District: Implications for Porphyry Copper Footprints. - Economic Geology, 115, 4, 871-901.

The Highland Valley Copper porphyry deposits, hosted in the Late Triassic Guichon Creek batholith in the Canadian Cordillera, are unusual in that some of them formed at depths of at least 4 to 5 km in cogenetic host rocks. Enrichments in ore and pathfinder elements are generally limited to a few hundred meters beyond the pit areas, and the peripheral alteration is restricted to narrow (1–3 cm) halos around a low density of prehnite and/or epidote veinlets. It is, therefore, challenging to recognize the alteration footprint peripheral to the porphyry Cu systems. Here, we document a workflow to maximize the use of lithogeochemical data in measuring changes in mineralogy and material transfer related to porphyry formation by linking whole-rock analyses to observed alteration mineralogy at the hand specimen and deposit scale. Alteration facies and domains were determined from mapping, feldspar staining, and shortwave infrared imaging and include (1) K-feldspar halos (potassic alteration), (2) epidote veins with K-feldspar–destructive albite halos (sodic-calcic alteration), (3) quartz and coarse-grained muscovite veins and halos and fine-grained white-mica–chlorite veins and halos (white-mica–chlorite alteration), and two subfacies of propylitic alteration comprising (4) prehnite veinlets with white-mica–chlorite-prehnite halos, and (5) veins of epidote ± prehnite with halos of chlorite and patchy K-feldspar. Well-developed, feldspar-destructive, white-mica alteration is indicated by (2[Ca-C] + N + K)/Al values <0.85, depletion in CaO and Na2O, enrichment in K2O, and localized SiO2 addition and is spatially limited to within ~200 m of porphyry Cu mineralization. Localized K2O, Fe2O3, and depletion in Cu, and some enrichment in Na2O and CaO, occurs in sodic-calcic domains that form a large (~34 km2) nonconcentric footprint outboard of well-mineralized and proximal zones enriched in K. Water and magmatic CO2-rich propylitic and sodic-calcic–altered rocks form the largest lithogeochemical footprint to the mineralization in the Highland Valley Copper district (~60 km2). Calcite in the footprint is interpreted to have formed via phase separation of CO2 from a late-stage magmatic volatile phase. Several observations from this study are transferable to other porphyry systems and have implications for porphyry Cu exploration. Feldspar staining and shortwave infrared imaging highlight weak and cryptic alteration that did not cause sufficient material transfer to be confidently distinguished from protolith lithogeochemical compositions. Prehnite can be a key mineral phase in propylitic alteration related to porphyry genesis, and its presence can be predicted based on host-rock composition. Sodic-calcic alteration depletes the protolith in Fe (and magnetite) and, therefore, will impact petrophysical and geophysical characteristics of the system. Whole-rock loss on ignition and C and S analyses can be used to map enrichment in water and CO2 in altered rocks, and together these form a large porphyry footprint that extends beyond domains of enrichment in ore and pathfinder elements and of pronounced alkali metasomatism.