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TTZ-South seismic experiment


Janik,  T.
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Starostenko,  V.
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Aleksandrowski,  P.
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Yegorova,  T.
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Czuba,  W.
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Środa,  P.
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Murovskaya,  A.
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Zajats,  K.
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Kolomiyets,  K.
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Lysynchuk,  D.
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Wójcik,  D.
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Mechie,  James
2.2 Geophysical Deep Sounding, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;
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G łuszyński,  A.
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Omelchenko,  V.
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Legostaeva,  O.
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Tolkunov,  A.
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Amashukeli,  T.
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Gryn,  D.
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Chulkov,  S.
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Janik, T., Starostenko, V., Aleksandrowski, P., Yegorova, T., Czuba, W., Środa, P., Murovskaya, A., Zajats, K., Kolomiyets, K., Lysynchuk, D., Wójcik, D., Mechie, J., G łuszyński, A., Omelchenko, V., Legostaeva, O., Tolkunov, A., Amashukeli, T., Gryn, D., Chulkov, S. (2020): TTZ-South seismic experiment. - Geofiziceskij zurnal: mezdunarodnyj zurnal = Geophysical journal, 42, 3, 3-15.

The wide-angle reflection and refraction (WARR) TTZ-South transect carried out in 2018 crosses the SW region of Ukraine and the SE region of Poland. The TTZ-South profile targeted the structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle of the Trans-European Suture Zone, as well as the southwestern segment of the East European Craton (slope of the Ukrainian Shield). The ~550 km long profile (~230 km in Poland and ~320 km in western Ukraine) is an extension of previously realized projects in Poland, TTZ (1993) and CEL03 (2000). The deep seismic sounding study along the TTZ-South profile using TEXAN and DATA-CUBE seismic stations (320 units) made it possible to obtain high-quality seismic records from eleven shot points (six in Ukraine and five in Poland). This paper presents a smooth P-wave velocity model based on first-arrival travel-time inversion using the FAST (First Arrival Seismic Tomography) code. The obtained image represents a preliminary velocity model which, according to the P-wave velocities, consists of a sedimentary layer and the crystalline crust that could comprise upper, middle and lower crustal layers. The Moho interface, approximated by the 7.5 km/s isoline, is located at 45—47 km depth in the central part of the profile, shallowing to 40 and 37 km depth in the northern (Radom-Łysogóry Unit, Poland) and southern (Volyno-Podolian Monocline, Ukraine) segments of the profile, respectively. A peculiar feature of the velocity cross-section is a number of high-velocity bodies distinguished in the depth range of 10—35 km. Such high-velocity bodies were detected previously in the crust of the Radom-Łysogóry Unit. These bodies, inferred at depths of 10—35 km, could be allochthonous fragments of what was originally a single mafic body or separate mafic bodies intruded into the crust during the break-up of Rodinia in the Neoproterozoic, which was accompanied by considerable rifting. The manifestations of such magmatism are known in the NE part of the Volyno-Podolian Monocline, where the Vendian trap formation occurs at the surface.