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Journal Article

Nature Does the Averaging—In-Situ Produced 10Be, 21Ne, and 26Al in a Very Young River Terrace


Gärtner,  Andreas
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Merchel,  Silke
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Niedermann,  Samuel
3.1 Inorganic and Isotope Geochemistry, 3.0 Geochemistry, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Braucher,  Régis
External Organizations;

Team,  ASTER-
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Steier,  Peter
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Rugel,  Georg
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Scharf,  Andreas
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Le Bras,  Loic
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Linnemann,  Ulf
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Gärtner, A., Merchel, S., Niedermann, S., Braucher, R., Team, A.-., Steier, P., Rugel, G., Scharf, A., Le Bras, L., Linnemann, U. (2020): Nature Does the Averaging—In-Situ Produced 10Be, 21Ne, and 26Al in a Very Young River Terrace. - Geosciences, 10, 6, 237.

Cite as: https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_5002450
The concentrations of long-lived in-situ produced cosmogenic nuclides (10Be, 21Ne, 26Al) in quartz obtained from a very recent (~200 a; based on 14C data on organic material) terrace of the Swakop River in Namibia are nearly constant throughout a 322 cm-long depth profile. These findings corroborate earlier hypotheses postulating a homogeneous distribution of these nuclides in freshly deposited river terrace sediments. An averaged nuclide concentration is a crucial and generally assumed prerequisite for the determination of numerical ages of old sediments.