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Data of shallow seismic profiles in the Alai valley, Kyrgyzstan, collected within the CaTeNA project


Ryberg,  T.
2.2 Geophysical Imaging of the Subsurface, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;
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Haberland,  C.
2.2 Geophysical Imaging of the Subsurface, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;
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Abdybachaev,  Ulan
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Sharshebaev,  Azamat
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Ryberg, T., Haberland, C., Abdybachaev, U., Sharshebaev, A. (2021): Data of shallow seismic profiles in the Alai valley, Kyrgyzstan, collected within the CaTeNA project.

Cite as: https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_5006876
The dataset contains waveform data of shallow seismic profiles at two locations in the western part of the Alai valley, Kyrgyzstan. At each location a “long” profile (~5 km and ~2.5 km length, respectively) and one or two short profiles (~120 m and ~250 m) were acquired, centered on known or presumed tectonic faults. As sources, a trailer-mounted weight drop and a hammer were used. The measurements were part of the CaTeNA project. Within the sub-project "The recent deformation in the Pamir based on seismic and geodetic data, dynamic landslide-susceptibility and risk analysis, and seismic imaging of the North Pamir Thrust", which forms part of the international and interdisciplinary CaTeNA project (Climatic and Tectonic Natural Hazards in Central Asia), shallow seismic profiling at two locations has been carried out in the Alai Valley, southern Kyrgyzstan, to investigate the spatio-temporal evolution of the Pamir Frontal Thrust (PFT). Eight seismic profiles were acquired in September 2019 at two locations in the western part of the Alai valley, (1) in the village of Achyk Suu and b) at the Koman fault (SSW of the village of Kashka Suu). At each location a long profile (5 and 2.5km, respectively) and one or two short profiles (~250m) across interesting (presumed) fault structures were acquired.