Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





KTB Borehole Measurements: Temperature Logs of the German Continental Deep Drilling Program


Kück,  Jochem
4.2 Geomechanics and Scientific Drilling, 4.0 Geosystems, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;


Conze,  Ronald
4.2 Geomechanics and Scientific Drilling, 4.0 Geosystems, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Bram,  Kurt
External Organizations;

Draxler,  Hans
External Organizations;

Zoth,  Gustav
External Organizations;

Kessels,  Winfried
External Organizations;

Hänel,  Ralph
External Organizations;

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Kück, J., Conze, R., Bram, K., Draxler, H., Zoth, G., Kessels, W., Hänel, R. (2021): KTB Borehole Measurements: Temperature Logs of the German Continental Deep Drilling Program.

KTB Borehole Measurements Data Temperature Logs Extensive borehole measurements were performed during the active drilling phase of the KTB pilot and main hole. The data report STR 21/03 KTB Borehole logging data contains the full description of the logging data given here. Please read it thoroughly to avoid inappropriate or wrong use of the data. The KTB borehole measurement data files contain the final processed versions of logging data from the two KTB boreholes: • KTB-Oberpfalz VB (KTB Vorbohrung/Pilot Hole or KTB-VB) • KTB-Oberpfalz HB (KTB Hauptbohrung/Main Hole or KTB-HB). Here only the acronyms KTB-VB and KTB-HB are used. In total there are 145 data files from the KTB-VB and 239 data files from the KTB-HB. All logs were run in open hole unless noted otherwise (see the file header). The maximum logging depth was 4001 m in the KTB-VB and 9085 m in the KTB-HB. The Temperature files contain data from measurements made with various sondes incorporating a temperature sensor. The single logs from each borehole reflect the temporary temperature profile, which was always disturbed and altered by drilling activities, mainly the the mud circulation. There is no reference temperature log showing the undisturbed equilibrium temperature profile from the active drilling phase until 1994. The best available approximation to the equilibrium profile of the KTB-HB was measured in 1998, in file KTB-HB-BM-TEMP-1996-1997-1998-2000.txt. Many of the Temperature logs also include a measurement of the mud resistivity (MRES from the auxiliary measurement tool, AMS), the resistivity of the fluid in the borehole. Please note that the Temperature logs are not depth corrected to the reference GR but are given here as logged. The data are provided in ASCII format. Detailed descriptions are provided in the associated data report (STR 21/03, Kueck et al., 2021) and the KTB Borehole Measurements Catalog. Acknkowledgements: The GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, as successor of the KTB Project Management provides the logging data, which were obtained under grants RG8604, RG8803 and RG 9001 of the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology of Germany.