Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





MAARE Lecture Series 2021


Dahm,  Torsten
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Schmitt,  Axel
Universität Heidelberg;

Botcharnikov,  Roman
Universität Mainz;

Eibl,  Eva
Universität Potsdam;

Hensch,  Martin
Landeserdbebendienst Baden-Württemberg;

Kaus,  Boris
Universität Mainz;

Küppers,  Ulrich
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München;

Kukowski,  Nina
Universität Jena;

Rivalta,  Eleonora
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Walter,  Thomas
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

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Dahm, T., Schmitt, A., Botcharnikov, R., Eibl, E., Hensch, M., Kaus, B., Küppers, U., Kukowski, N., Rivalta, E., Walter, T. (Eds.) (2021): MAARE Lecture Series 2021, Potsdam : GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.

MAARE is an interdisciplinary research initiative to enhance our understanding of magma ascent, accumulation and reservoir evolution in intra-continental settings. Examples of core questions addressed by the MAARE research initiative comprise: · What are past and current conditions in transcrustal magmatic reservoirs at different depths? · How do magmatic fluids migrate through the crust and how do they trigger reservoir unrest? · What are the spatio-temporal controls on volcanism in low-flux systems? · What are realistic eruption scenarios and forecast uncertainties in low probability, high impact volcanic regions? · How can distributed volcanic fields be monitored in a comprehensive manner and how can small precursory signals reliably be interpreted? · What are pitfalls in communicating volcanic hazard research and risk? The aim of the lecture series is to develop a common understanding of the key questions, to develop new ideas and to initiate joint research projects.