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Conference Paper

AgriSens - DEMMIN 4.0: Use of remote sensing technologies for digitization in crop production


Spengler,  Daniel
1.4 Remote Sensing, 1.0 Geodesy, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Asam,  S.
External Organizations;

Boettcher,  F.
External Organizations;

Borg,  E.
External Organizations;

Dobers,  C.
External Organizations;

Geßner,  U.
External Organizations;


Harfenmeister,  Katharina
1.4 Remote Sensing, 1.0 Geodesy, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Hüttich,  C.
External Organizations;

Klan,  F.
External Organizations;

Teucher,  M.
External Organizations;

Truckenbrodt,  S.
External Organizations;

Conrad,  C.
External Organizations;

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Spengler, D., Asam, S., Boettcher, F., Borg, E., Dobers, C., Geßner, U., Harfenmeister, K., Hüttich, C., Klan, F., Teucher, M., Truckenbrodt, S., Conrad, C. (2021): AgriSens - DEMMIN 4.0: Use of remote sensing technologies for digitization in crop production - Lecture Notes in Inforamtics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Computer Science in Agriculture, Forestry and the Food Industry (GIL) - Focus: "Information and Communication Technologies in Critical Times" (Potsdam 2021), 415-420.

Cite as: https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_5009831
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