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Model Policy on Sustainable Software at the Helmholtz Centers


Bach,  Felix
External Organizations;

Bertuch,  Oliver
External Organizations;

Busse,  Christian
External Organizations;

Castell,  Wolfgang zu
External Organizations;

Celo,  Sabine
External Organizations;

Denker,  Michael
External Organizations;

Dinkelacker,  Stefan
External Organizations;

Druskat,  Stephan
External Organizations;

Faber,  Claas
External Organizations;

Finke,  Ants
External Organizations;

Fritzsch,  Bernadette
External Organizations;


Hammitzsch,  M.
7.5 Centre for Geoinformation Technology, 7.0 Geoservices, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Haseleu,  Julia
External Organizations;

Konrad,  Uwe
External Organizations;


Krupa,  Jörn
Staff Scientific Executive Board, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Leifels,  Yvonne
External Organizations;

Mohns-Pöschke,  Kerstin
External Organizations;

Moravcikova,  Martina
External Organizations;

Nöller,  Joachim
External Organizations;

Möhl,  Christoph
External Organizations;

Nolden,  Marco
External Organizations;

Scheinert,  Markus
External Organizations;

Schelhaas,  Ute
External Organizations;


Scheliga,  Katharina Sara
Library and Information Services, Scientific Infrastructure and Platforms, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Schlauch,  Tobias
External Organizations;

Schnicke,  Thomas
External Organizations;


Scholz,  Almut
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Schwennsen,  Florian
External Organizations;

Seifarth,  Jenny
External Organizations;

Selzer,  Michael
External Organizations;

Shishatskiy,  Sergey
External Organizations;

Steglich,  Dirk
External Organizations;

Strohbach,  Sandra
External Organizations;

Terhorst,  Dennis
External Organizations;

Al-Turany,  Mohammad
External Organizations;


Vierkant,  Paul
Library and Information Services, Scientific Infrastructure and Platforms, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Wieser,  Thomas
External Organizations;

Witter,  Ludwig
External Organizations;

Wortmann,  Daniel
External Organizations;

Externe Ressourcen
Volltexte (frei zugänglich)
Ergänzendes Material (frei zugänglich)
Es sind keine frei zugänglichen Ergänzenden Materialien verfügbar

Bach, F., Bertuch, O., Busse, C., Castell, W. z., Celo, S., Denker, M., Dinkelacker, S., Druskat, S., Faber, C., Finke, A., Fritzsch, B., Hammitzsch, M., Haseleu, J., Konrad, U., Krupa, J., Leifels, Y., Mohns-Pöschke, K., Moravcikova, M., Nöller, J., Möhl, C., Nolden, M., Scheinert, M., Schelhaas, U., Scheliga, K. S., Schlauch, T., Schnicke, T., Scholz, A., Schwennsen, F., Seifarth, J., Selzer, M., Shishatskiy, S., Steglich, D., Strohbach, S., Terhorst, D., Al-Turany, M., Vierkant, P., Wieser, T., Witter, L., Wortmann, D. (2019): Model Policy on Sustainable Software at the Helmholtz Centers, Potsdam : Helmholtz Open Science Office, 11 p.

The Model Policy was drawn up by the Research Software Task Group with the assistance of other experts from the Helmholtz Association and was agreed with the Technology Transfer and Commercial Legal Protection Working Group and the Legal Affairs Working Group. The present version was adopted by the Open Science Working Group on November 21, 2019.