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Experiencing climate change: Environmental education and public relations on vanishing glaciers


Fischer,  Andrea
IUGG 2023, General Assemblies, 1 General, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), External Organizations;

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Fischer, A. (2023): Experiencing climate change: Environmental education and public relations on vanishing glaciers, XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Berlin 2023).

While interest and societal impact of climate science/geoscience increases, the accessibility of research results and knowledge decreases as a result of publication strategies: Articles published in scientific journals often do not use a common language, and scholarly knowledge is needed to understand the often very specific content. Teaching books in national languages are very rare in 21st century. Therefore, the gap between scientific frontier and basic education widens, leaving room for science sceptics or fake news, for example denying anthropogenic climate change in social media. Environmental education helps to get in touch with the methods and results of geosciences. Several thousands of pupils participate in field courses and classroom activities of the National Parks. TV productions, podcasts, online and print media articles reach a much higher percentage of the population as the most popular high ranking journal article does. To ensure that science prolongates it’s story of success, and being convincing for all people, the dissemination has to be broad. We established a science education centre right at Jamtalferner, an WGMS benchmark glacier and LTER site to foster the communication of scientific results together with the local museum and community, in cooperation with local guides In the last years, media interest increased, and the interdisciplinary research has been subject of several press trips. We consider this an important part of scientific work, despite the lack of specific funding.