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Antarctic magnetic anomaly tools for enhanced crustal analysis


Kim,  Hyung Rae
IUGG 2023, General Assemblies, 1 General, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), External Organizations;

von Frese,  Ralph R. B.
IUGG 2023, General Assemblies, 1 General, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), External Organizations;

Golynsky,  Alexander
IUGG 2023, General Assemblies, 1 General, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), External Organizations;

Golynsky,  Dmitry
IUGG 2023, General Assemblies, 1 General, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), External Organizations;

Leftwich,  Timothy
IUGG 2023, General Assemblies, 1 General, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), External Organizations;

Hong,  Jong-kook
IUGG 2023, General Assemblies, 1 General, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), External Organizations;

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Kim, H. R., von Frese, R. R. B., Golynsky, A., Golynsky, D., Leftwich, T., Hong, J.-k. (2023): Antarctic magnetic anomaly tools for enhanced crustal analysis, XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Berlin 2023).

To facilitate geological studies of the Antarctic region south of 60oS, Kim et al. (2022) used equivalent point magnetic dipole inversion to produce the comprehensive airborne-to-satellite altitude ADMAP-2s magnetic anomaly model. The ADMAP-2s spherical coordinate anomaly predictions jointly match crustal magnetic anomaly observations from the Swarm satellite mission (Haagmans et al., 2010) and the Antarctic Digital Magnetic Anomaly Project’s (ADMAP) second-generation magnetic anomaly grid (ADMAP-2), which was compiled from over 3.5 million line-km of aeromagnetic and shipborne survey data (Golynsky et al., 2017). The present study investigates the utility of point dipole modeling for differentially reducing the magnetic anomalies to the pole, as well as estimating their first and second order vertical gradient and pseudo gravity anomalies. These anomaly attributes facilitate characterizing the remanent components and correlating the anomalies with possible subsurface sources and affiliated gravity anomalies. The efficacy of the gravity point mass or pole is investigated for processing regional patches of gravity anomalies for subsurface information and correlating them with affiliated magnetic anomalies. Crustal geology associations are also considered for the regional magnetic anomaly features of West and East Antarctica and the southern Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans.