Coyle, D. KTB Reports, External Organizations;
Wagner, G.A. KTB Reports, External Organizations; (Ergänzendes Material)
KTB-94-2_7_A63-A70.pdf (Verlagsversion), 2MB
Coyle, D., Wagner, G. (1994): Fission-track investigations on sphene from the KTB Deep Drilling Project (Germany): post-Permian cooling history and in situ annealing. - In: Emmermann, R., Lauterjung, J., Giese, P., Umsonst, T. (Eds.), KTB Report 94-2: Contributions to the 7. Annual KTB-Colloquium, Geoscientific Results; Giessen 1.-2. June 1994, Potsdam : Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, A63-A70.