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Data Publication

Surface deformation and topography data from analogue modelling experiments addressing triaxial tectonics in regions of distributed extension


Liu,  Jun
4.1 Lithosphere Dynamics, 4.0 Geosystems, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;


Rosenau,  M.
4.1 Lithosphere Dynamics, 4.0 Geosystems, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;


Brune,  Sascha
2.5 Geodynamic Modelling, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;


Kosari,  Ehsan
4.1 Lithosphere Dynamics, 4.0 Geosystems, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Rudolf ,  Michael
External Organizations;


Oncken,  O.
4.1 Lithosphere Dynamics, 4.0 Geosystems, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

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Liu, J., Rosenau, M., Brune, S., Kosari, E., Rudolf, M., Oncken, O. (2024): Surface deformation and topography data from analogue modelling experiments addressing triaxial tectonics in regions of distributed extension.

Cite as: https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_5025696
This data set includes the results of high-resolution digital elevation models (DEM) and digital image correlation (DIC) analysis applied to analogue modelling experiments. Twenty generic analogue models are extended on top of a rubber sheet. Two benchmark experiments are also reported. Detailed descriptions of the experiments can be found in Liu et al. (submitted) to which this data set is supplement. The data presented here are visualized as topography and the horizontal cumulative surface strain (principal strain and slip rake).