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Autotrophy to Heterotrophy: Shift in Bacterial Functions During the Melt Season in Antarctic Cryoconite Holes


Sanyal,  Aritri
External Organizations;


Antony,  Runa
3.5 Interface Geochemistry, 3.0 Geochemistry, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Samui,  Gautami
External Organizations;

Thamban,  Meloth
External Organizations;

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Sanyal, A., Antony, R., Samui, G., Thamban, M. (2024 online): Autotrophy to Heterotrophy: Shift in Bacterial Functions During the Melt Season in Antarctic Cryoconite Holes. - Journal of Microbiology.

Microbes residing in cryoconite holes (debris, water, and nutrient-rich ecosystems) on the glacier surface actively participate in carbon and nutrient cycling. Not much is known about how these communities and their functions change during the summer melt-season when intense ablation and runoff alter the influx and outflux of nutrients and microbes. Here, we use high-throughput-amplicon sequencing, predictive metabolic tools and Phenotype MicroArray techniques to track changes in bacterial communities and functions in cryoconite holes in a coastal Antarctic site and the surrounding fjord, during the summer season. The bacterial diversity in cryoconite hole meltwater was predominantly composed of heterotrophs (Proteobacteria) throughout the season. The associated functional potentials were related to heterotrophic-assimilatory and -dissimilatory pathways. Autotrophic Cyanobacterial lineages dominated the debris community at the beginning and end of summer, while heterotrophic Bacteroidota- and Proteobacteria-related phyla increased during the peak melt period. Predictive functional analyses based on taxonomy show a shift from predominantly phototrophy-related functions to heterotrophic assimilatory pathways as the melt-season progressed. This shift from autotrophic to heterotrophic communities within cryoconite holes can affect carbon drawdown and nutrient liberation from the glacier surface during the summer. In addition, the flushing out and export of cryoconite hole communities to the fjord could influence the biogeochemical dynamics of the fjord ecosystem.