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A Classification of Geometric Styles for Paleoseismic Trenches across Normal Faults in the North Island, New Zealand: An Interplay between Tectonic and erosional/Depositional Processes.


Villamor,  P.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Berryman,  K.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Langridge,  R.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Van Dissen,  R.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Persaud,  M.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Canara,  C.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Nicol,  A.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Alloway,  B.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Litchfield,  N.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Cochran,  U.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Stirling,  M.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);


Mouslopoulou,  V.
0 Pre-GFZ, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Wilson,  K.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

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Villamor, P., Berryman, K., Langridge, R., Van Dissen, R., Persaud, M., Canara, C., Nicol, A., Alloway, B., Litchfield, N., Cochran, U., Stirling, M., Mouslopoulou, V., Wilson, K. (2006): A Classification of Geometric Styles for Paleoseismic Trenches across Normal Faults in the North Island, New Zealand: An Interplay between Tectonic and erosional/Depositional Processes. - Abstracts, AGU 2006 Fall Meeting (San Francisco 2006).

Over the last ~15 years we have excavated 73 trenches across active normal faults in the Taupo and Hauraki Rifts, North Island, New Zealand. The stratigraphy in these trenches is quite similar because of the predominance of volcanic and volcanic-derived deposits, sourced from the active Taupo Volcanic Zone. These deposits, whether alluvial (reworked, mainly volcanics) or volcanic (tephra), are all characterized by relative loose, to moderately loose, medium-size gravel and sands, and cohesive (sticky) clays. The homogeneity of the materials and of the sedimentation rates across these paleoseismic trenches has allowed us to assess the influence of different materials on the faulting style. The predominant types of material, their relative thickness, and their stratigraphic order (e.g. whether cohesive materials are overlying or underlying loose materials) in the trench strongly determine the deformation style when subjected to normal faulting. However, the final geometric relation between the sedimentary layers and the faults also depends on the sediment depositional environment (e.g., alluvial vs air fall deposition), the fault dip, and cumulative displacement (i.e., the size of the scarp). For example, the cumulative displacement of the fault conditions the amount of erosion/deposition at/derived from the scarp itself. When we combine observations from the tectonic deformation style and from geometries derived from erosional/depositional processes, we can define at least five "geometric styles" present in paleoseismic trenches in our study area: 1) folding, where the fault does not reach the upper layers, and relative displacement of the fault walls is achieved by folding (dragging of the layer); 2) folding-large cracks, where relative movement of the fault walls is achieved by folding and opening of large fissures; 3) faulting, the most common style where a layer is displaced along the fault plane; 4) faulting- erosion, similar to the previous style but with larger cumulative displacements which cause large amounts of erosion and/or deposition at the fault scarp; and 5) faulting-toppling, when due to gravitational forces the materials on the up-thrown side of the fault topple towards the downthrown side causing rotation of the fault plane itself, which induces a geometry of "false reverse fault". These observations can be used to analyze the criteria to identify individual earthquakes within each "geometric style". We present examples from New Zealand to describe the "geometric styles", their faulting criteria and the uncertainties associated with these criteria.